Weddings and Blessings
Deciding to get married in Church is a significant step to take. It means recognising that God has a part to play in your relationship and choosing to honour that. A marriage service is both a legal event and a public act of worship which the couple will plan with the person who will conduct the service. It includes the exchange of vows and promises, prayers, readings, and some words to help the couple as they start a new stage of their lives together.
Wilmslow URC is now registered to conduct both marriages for opposite sex and same sex couples. The first step in arranging such an event is to make contact with the church and meet the person who might conduct such a ceremony. A good way to do this, and to find out what the church is like, is to come along to worship on a Sunday morning and introduce yourselves.
A couple who have already had their partnership recognised in a civil ceremony may wish to receive a blessing for their relationship. This can involve promises, prayers, readings and the exchange of rings. This would be planned with the person who would conduct the service, as for a marriage, but the ceremony would not have legal status.
To find out what is involved in preparing for Christian marriage or a blessing please contact the Church Office (01625 532600) or join us for Sunday worship.