How We Help Others

We help and support many charitable organisations

As a church charity we help and support many charitable organisations both in our local community and worldwide.

We regularly support this Christian development charity.

Christian Aid

We support by regular gifts of toiletries and help spoken English and reading classes.

Hope Central.

Giving to our Church Charities

Our church charities are East Cheshire Eye Society, NSPCC and Samaritans.

Each year we set aside 4% of our income to divide between them, one third each. You can read more here about the three charities we’re currently supporting.

If you would like to make a donation towards our Church Charities,  please choose Make a Donation button below to go to our online giving page.

East Cheshire Eye Society is an independent charity that relies on funding to support all its activities.  The charity is run by a board of voluntary trustees, some of whom have a sight impairment themselves.  Their purpose is to enable those affected by sight loss to lead fulfilling lives at home and in the community.

East Cheshire Eye Society

Samaritans answer calls for help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Suicide prevention is even more important with the impact of the cost of living crisis on people’s mental health.


Francis House Children’s Hospice supports approximately 2,000 people at any one time with respite care, homecare, sibling support, end of life care and emotional and bereavement support.  From their site in Didsbury, this hospice is a lifeline to more than 600 families from across Greater Manchester.  Francis House provides high levels of clinical care to the families of children and young adults with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.

Francis House Children’s Hospice

How you can Support Us

There are a number of ways you can support our church.
Read more – Support Us